7 amazing fresh fries recipes on French fries day
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7 amazing fresh fries recipes on French fries day – For French Fries lovers, we have good news. July 13th is celebrated as World French fries day. So, this means you officially get a day to celebrate your love for French Fries and enjoy them to your heart’s content. Of course, French Fries are a junk food and we would also suggest you have balance and not go completely out every time you are having it. But, on the national French fires day, you get a pass. We also have something for you for this day to celebrate even better.
In this blog, we talk about the 9 amazing fresh fries recipes on French fries day that you can savour on and fulfil your heart’s desire. If you love French Fries a lot, you might already be having a particular flavour as your ultimate favourite. But, here we are presenting to you some of the new flavours for French Fries that you can try. So, do not miss out on these because you might find some of your new favourites.
The process of cooking the fries is almost the same so we ditch the cooking part as you can do that yourself, we talk about flavours and ingredients here.
7 amazing fresh fries recipes on French fries day
- Garlic Chive Baked Fries
We start the blog with a unique French Fry option and that has to be this one. If you are someone who likes garlic in fries, you will surely find a new lover in this one. These golden fries are thin, crunchy, light, and filled with garlic flavours. You just need to heat them a little more for a burnt-out taste and you are done. Add some salt, garlic powder, and pepper as well to make them taste really yummy. They need to be baked for 20 minutes.
- Cheesy Fries
The next one is a very easy one. It is the cheesy fries. Cheesy fries are quite popular in restaurants because they are low effort and honestly everything tastes nice at fancy places. But, they really taste amazing because of the addition of cheese. They are very easy to make and the frozen fries can be refrigerated and reheated. Add as much cheese as you want and a bit of that spice that you like the most. Even peri-peri masala will do the jist.
- Loaded Waffle Fries
Now, this is something interesting. You will generally find this stuff at really fancy places. But, you can also make them at home. They are one of the best dinner options because they are quite heavy and not just fries. Cheese, scallions and bacon are added to this fry to make them a full meal. They can be a standalone meal but also go well with burgers and hotdogs for that matter. For this, you need frozen waffle-cut fries, steak seasoning, bacon bits, and chopped green onions.
- Baked Sweet Potato Fries
Do you love sweet potatoes? Then these fries can be your go-to. Also, these are amazing healthy alternatives to try out. You can also find sweet potato frozen fries pack but you can also make them at home from scratch. They need around 30 minutes to be prepared from scratch and the outcome is amazing. You need 2 large sweet potatoes, cut into thin strips, some canola oil, kosher salt, paprika, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder.
- Waffle Fry Nachos
Ya, we are quite biased about the waffle fries because they are fancy. This time, here we bring some waffle fry nachos for you. This is an interesting twist and you cannot miss this for sure. The waffle fries are used as nachos in this one and you can add any seasoning that you love in nachos like cheese, kidney beans, tomatoes, or simply anything of your choice. You can also add olives and this can be prepared within 20 minutes.
- Light Oven Fries
These are simple fries. These are also light and can be made in the oven in lesser time as compared to others. You will feel light only after having these fries. These are baked and that is the reason they are light. You just need to cut potatoes into fries shape and add some garlic powder, chilli powder, and paprika to it. These spices combined together will create a punch in the taste and you will not regret having these.
- Cheesy Chilli Fries
If you are someone who loves cheese fries then here is something even better for you. These are the cheesy chilli fries. You can even serve these fries with avocado and green chopped onions. The tinge of chilly powder to it will make it more tasty and delicious. You do not need to make anything tougher for this as you will need only chilly powder and the other main things as we said above.
You might have already been tempted enough to try these recipes on French Fries if you love them. Some of these are quite easy to make. Of course, the easier option is to try having them out somewhere but making them at home is going to give you another level of satisfaction. And along with this, if you make these at home, they will be a healthier and better option. Let us know in the comments the flavours of the French Fries that you love the most and which of these are you going to try next.
7 amazing fresh fries recipes on French fries day – For French Fries lovers, we have good news. July 13th is celebrated as World French fries day. So, this means you officially get a day to celebrate your love for French Fries and enjoy them to your heart’s content. Of course, French Fries are a junk…